Wednesday, March 14, 2007


From the Desk of Nicholas Buckingham IV,

Recently, while ill with a rare form of Two Day Malaria I contracted while spelunking in Eretria, I viewed several episodes of Saved By the Bell. Normally, I employ an acting troupe to perform episodes of the show live, but seeing as how I was highly contagious, I decided it best to just watch the programme on DVD. Normally, the show is tightly written, with few plot holes and a dead on story dealing with human emotions in their most basic sense. Therefore, I was shocked when I rewatched episode 3.8, entitled "Mr. Belding's Brother," in which Principal Belding's suave sibling Rod Belding begins teaching at the school and is quickly favored by the students.

In the episode, Rod Belding plans on taking the students on a white water rafting excursion. The students rejoice, only to find that Rod Belding cancels on them at the last minute in favor of sexual intercourse with two stewardesses. In the end, Mr. Belding intervenes and saves the trip by offering to lead the students himself. He is suddenly a hero. Here is the glaring error: Earlier in the episode, Rod Belding recalls a white water rafting trip he's taken, and the danger and difficulty involved. Therefore, if Mr. Belding were to suddenly take over guide duties of said trip, with no knowledge of rafting or the dangers involved, wouldn't he be putting the students in danger and thus making this trip far more detrimental than the brief period of dissapointment the students would have upon learning Rod Belding had left them for the aforementioned intercourse? AND, having set up in the PREVIOUS 77 EPISODES(!) Mr. Belding's character as someone who is dilligent about safety and precaution, isn't it slightly out of character for him to completely disregard the childrens safety?! I had my butler Gerard contact former NBC Television Executive Peter Engel for an explanation of this, to which Mr. Engel replied he "didn't remember" but that he's "sure I must have been mistaken" about the episode. Ha! I may have had Malaria, but I know what I saw!

1 comment:

BRDD said...

This is a great post. You should be proud of yourself. It's not every day that an individual can think outside of the box when it comes to a brilliant series like SBTB. Kudos to you.

Hope that malaria cleared up for you okay. That stuff's a killer!