Wednesday, March 28, 2007


*Note* Recently, the editors of "Teen Beat" Magazine, invited Nicholas Buckingham IV to take part in an internet chat with the readers of "Teen Beat" to discuss the state of publishing Today. The following is a transcript of a portion of that conversation.

NicholasBuckinghamIV: Good day to everyone. I am going to have to keep this short, as I have a lunch meeting with David Caruso.

teencybopp12: Have u evr met JT? He's such a hottie in his L8test vid!!!

NicholasBuckinghamIV: First, I'm assuming by JT, you're referring to English Ambassador to Guyana, Jacob Tavarian. By "vid", I'm guessing you are referring to the speech he made on the consulate floor about stiffer tariffs regarding orange production, that was broadcast on BBC. Yes, I've met him, and I did enjoy his video.

luv2h86: Lol! ur crazee! btw, anybody seen that pic of Brit wit the umbrella? Gr8!

Britfan1989: GAL! Don't h8 luv2h8. NIMBY!

NicholasBuckinghamIV: I'm not sure I follow. Is Nimby similar to Nambla? And if so, are you, Britfan1989, accusing luv2h86 of being a pederast?

Kutcher4prez: Plz, don't be a PETA. Oops, got to go POTS! TTYL!

NicholasBuckinghamIV: Yes, you go POTS TTYL! We don't need your negative attitude here.

G8trgrl4: OMG! GAB Nick! UR so last week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.