Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A-rod contract to be upwards of 90 Billion says Boras

Tampa, FLA - A day removed from the Yankees 6-3 loss to the Cleveland Indians, eliminating the Yankees from the post season for the sixth straight year, agent Scott Boras has already begun hinting at potential contract demands for his most prodigous client, slugger Alex Rodriguez.

"WIth the way Alex maintains his body, it's not out of the realm of possibility that he could play well into his sixties," said Boras. "And if he averages 40 home runs and 200 hits per year, that's another 1200 home runs and I don't even know how many hits. My assistant is telling me seven thousand," the hard-nosed agent added.

Boras said that any potential contract would have to be in the neighborhood of 90 billion dollars, to even be considered.

"It's not like the only revenue Alex will bring in is baseball related. He's planning on becoming the district attorney of which ever city he lands in, with the intent on prosecuting sex offenders to the fullest extent of the law. He's also working on a cure for Muscular Dystrophy in the basement of his house. He says he's close. Of course we'd be willing to negotiate sharing any profit that cure would bring."

Rodriguez, coming off another disappointing post-season performance in which he went a combined 3-24 in four games, responded to his agents comments today, on a local Tampa radio show.

"I will prosecute sex offenders to the fullest extent of the law. I promise that. As far as the rest of that stuff, I can't really comment at this time," the 32 year old third baseman said.

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