Wednesday, February 28, 2007


From the desk of Nicholas Buckingham IV,

Next saturday evening, to break in the new private Bel Air estate and celebrate my relocation stateside to run my very own Buckingham Publications, I will be entertaining several colleagues and notables from the upper echelons of the publishing world. Also present will be several rival publishers, most notably Kenji Kokoshuko, my sworn archnemesis and CEO of Kokoshuko Media, (regretfully) one of Japan's biggest media conglomerates.

Due to Mr. Kokoshuko's presence, I have but only one choice: Provide my party with an orchestra larger than the 106-piece set Mr. Kokoshuko hired in 2006 for his annual Cherry Blossom Festival BBQ at his Kyoto estate.

The orchestra's conductor would be required to wear a listening device wired to a microphone that I will have on my person at all time's during the evening's proceedings. Said conductor would then be required to choose and conduct on-the-fly pieces pertaining to my mood during the night. The only predetermined piece will come in at the stroke of midnight, when I intend to reveal the news to Mr. Kenji Kokoshuko that I have purchased his media empire. At that point, the orchestra would be required to break into a frenzied rendition of Richard Wagner's "Flight of the Valkyries."

If you are interested, please respond with a list of everyone's choice of either Salmon or Steak.

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